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Who is the best ENT Doctor?

Dr shashidhar and Dr prachi

Who is the best ENT Doctor?

a comprehensive guide on how to find the best treatment rather than best doctor

You are struck by this unknown throat problem, your general physician is not very helpful, he tried his level best but still no relief. The big question “who is the best doctor, who can solve my problem”. Like a child’s play the hand slides down to cellphone and you search the best throat doctor. Little did you realize that you are unscrupulously falling in the trap of finding that nonexistent “best doctor”. Finding the best doctor is akin to say “finding the best dog “or “finding the best spouse”. Not only its purely subjective proposition but often leads to disasters if you jump blindly. In fact, if you search Ent doctors on google, almost all of them will be quoted as best ent doctors. The menace is so much widespread spread to the extent doctors have posted youtube videos (unbelievable 341,000 videos ) claiming themselves to be best doctors in india. Its more of marketing gimmick and trap in which patients often fall into. Medical council of india does not award best doctors to any one and neither is there a yard stick to judge all doctors on one scale.

Coming back to the basic question, who is the best guy to treat my throat? However badly you want to know that “name”, it would be a shocker if i tell you the truth, the name doesn’t exist. While a seemingly simple voice change can be a sign of voice exertion and may need only voice rest to cure it, it can very well be a subtle sign of malignancy that can be picked by narrow band imaging available only at the finest centers. Since the variation is so huge, it is unlikely you will ever come across “know all”, “do all” and “fix all” person.

Often the only practical solution to your problem is where can i find an honest, skillful, caring and available doctor. Your personal preference may force you to think any of the four characteristic more important and you may choose to overlook some inadequacy if your big goal is satisfied. That’s why we have mixed opinions of any doctor. Even with a very reputed doctor, your choice feels like rolling a dice in snake and ladder game.

More people than ever are now searching for a physician they can call their own. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find reliable, easy-to-understand information about specific doctors or practices. It may seem like a burden or restrictive to choose a care provider.

When you are choosing a doctor, look for someone who:

  1. Treats you with respect: good doctors understand that a patient is vulnerable. Being respectful goes a long way toward helping the patient explain symptoms, take responsibility for decision-making and complying with instructions.

  2. listens to your opinions and concerns:

  3. encourages you to ask questions

  4. explains things in ways you can understand: helps you understand what the next steps will be, and what the possible outcomes and their ramifications might be.

  5. takes steps to prevent illness-for example, talks to you about quitting smoking.

It’s a known fact that doctors with better communication and interpersonal skills are able to detect problems earlier, can prevent medical crises and expensive intervention, and provide better support to their patients. This may lead to higher-quality outcomes and better satisfaction, lower costs of care, greater patient understanding of health issues, and better adherence to the treatment process

How to know if you are with the right doctor

Make a list of the doctors you have in mind. Surf/call to learn more about them. References are usually most helpful and try calling your friends relatives to have their opinion. The answers to the following questions may help you make the best decision. Think about your experience after the first visit. Use your first visit as a litmus test. After u have seen the Doctor. Ask yourself, Did the Doctor-

1. Give me a chance to ask questions?

2. Really listen to my questions without interrupting?

3. Answer in terms I understood?

4. Show respect for me?

5. Ask me questions?

6. Make me feel comfortable?

7. Address the health problem(s) I came with?

8. Ask me my preferences about different kinds of treatments?

9. Spend enough time with me?

10. Explain the diagnosis and treatment, and specify a date for a follow-up?

If your doctor doesn’t fit in the check list and you are frustrated. It is important you should know your rights as a patient. this includes but not limited to following. so make sure you ask everything

  1. Why do I need this treatment?

  2. Are there any alternatives?

  3. Are there any side effects?

  4. What is the test for?

  5. When will I get the results?

  6. Will this medicine interact with medicines that I'm already taking?

How to make most of your time while talking to doctor?

Since time is limited and it is unfair to expect that doctor will address your every little concern. It’s important you structure your interaction with him and get most of his time.

Ask questions. If you don't, your doctor may think you understand everything that was said.

Write down your questions before your visit. List the most important ones first to make sure they get asked and answered.

You might want to bring someone along to help you ask questions. S/he can also help you understand and/or remember the answers.

Ask your doctor to draw pictures if that might help to explain something.

Take notes.

Let your doctor know if you need more time. If there is no time that day, perhaps you can speak to a nurse or assistant. Or, ask if you can call later to speak with someone.

Ask for written instructions.

WHAT Doctors expect from patients

  1. You know important things about your symptoms and your health history. Tell your doctor what you think she/he needs to know.

  2. Always bring a list of medicines you are taking (include when and how often you take them). Talk about any allergies or reactions you have had to your medicines.

  3. Tell your doctor about any natural or alternative medicines or treatments.

  4. Bring other medical information, such as x-ray films, test results, and medical records.

What doctors discourage patients from doing?

  1. Talk bad about previous doctors and blaming them for everything.

  2. Test the knowledge of doctor rather than getting to the problem

  3. Bargain and talk how other people are offering treatment much cheaper.

  4. Expect 100% results for everything while patient is busy drinking, smoking and sitting like a sloth.

  5. More worried about side effects of treatment than the real problem of disease in front of them.

  6. Read unedited blogs and websites which do not give peer reviewed medical information and discussing unfiltered half-baked ideas.


Ultimately it boils down to some sort of amicable agreement between doctor and patient which Leeds to success of treatment. From patient’s perspective “patient really doesn’t care how much a doctor knows till he knows how much a doctor cares”. Bottom-line finding a good doctor who can deliver the best treatment is always more practical then the searching for best doctor who may not deliver the best treatment.

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